-That looks like a woman's gun.
Do you know a lot about guns, Mr. Bond?
- No, but I know a little about women.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Behind the times...(a recurring post of the news I must have been hibernating to have missed)

Of a genius??...say it's not death...
Alexander McQueen was found dead, at the age of 40, by his housekeeper having committed suicide in his home on February 12, 2010, a week after his mother died from cancer. Her funeral was scheduled for the next day.

I don't want to go into the same lengthy and cliche expressions everyone else already has about his death. I will say I do consider it huge loss to me, however. He was my favorite of ALL the designers I've watched since I was 13. By his work you knew you could expect great longevity from him; it was sincere, thoughtful, and intense without dissipation. We knew we could have enjoyed years of his survival in the fashion world at least. He showed you controlled chaos. It was so well controlled that he could send out flairs and blooms of it at will at his shows to literally tease us with a glimpse of just how random, raging, and substantive his genius is. It was like watching the ranges of the world's joys and sorrows in a beautifully wrapped see-through present. He made it all make sense and desirable. He was just on a totally different level, truly a genius.

Behind the times....

Talking about me - I'm behind the times. I just learned last night that the World Cup 2010 is being hosted by Cape Town, Africa. Come on, I am seriously out of the loop. Why is this significant to me? Besides liking soccer and being glad it's the one thing nearly every nation has in common with each other, for the past 6 months I've had a fascination with Cape Town being one of my next travel locations.
(I've made 'Behind the times...' a recurring post for news I must have been hibernating to have missed - yes it happens often enough. Nope, not a news junkie.)

I may regret posting this....

Ok irony and coincidences crack me up. What are the chances that with my new found pole excitement I would also find a pair of shoes (that I would NEVER wear!, in public that is) that go along with my blog pseudonym? Yeah, you're right, pretty high. Nonetheless, view the bondgirl stripper shoe. See? That's a GUN for the heel. Saweet!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

No joke - it's exercise

First of all, please pull from your mind all negative preconceptions and associations with pole dancing and now view it in the context of being THE BEST exercise for the woman's body. Issues with arms, belly, and inner thighs? They are non-issues after getting this started. And if your issue is junk in the trunk? That's just a BONUS 'round hur. Be satisfied and happy with yourself. And to top it off, working out is FUN. I don't think you heard me, I said IT IS FUN! You've never been so happy with your curves until you get moving in ways only the female can. Yep, FUN. Rock it, girl!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

My veins run with......natural and colorful and TAILORED.

Fashion, baby.

I love fashion, there's no other way to put it. Specifically couture. I like it so much I've spent hours immersing myself in it and enjoying being in another world! It's simultaneously artistic and plausible. I know there are people who argue that it's not art, that it really is functional apparel, and others that argue the opposite, and I think they're both right. Just, some of it belongs on my body and some of it belongs on stage :)
Case in point. See above.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Got Space?

Like space?
Like considering how we will actually and practically be utilizing it as another one of the many high-tech areas we are hugely benefiting from? An interesting clip...
Check it.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Continued Survivor....

At the end of last season, it had come down to two very different players - the heroic Natalie and the villainous Russell. This opposition is incredibly interesting to me, specifically because the two who remained in this crucible of social situations were indeed the purest of their kind and this happened on it's own. (Presuming, of course, that Survivor really is a REALITY show unadulterated by the higher-ratings efforts by producers.)

But what defined their evil and heroic personas? A non-exhaustive list may look something like this:
- lied to alliances
- destruction of group harmony
- eliminating opportunities for protection or advancement for other teammates
- praying
- contributing effort at camp to make life better for everyone
- being non-aggressive, letting others make moves for themselves

So how is it then that the heroic survivor of last season, Natalie, with 'praying' (I use the quotes to communicate the widely perceived intangibility of prayer) and without trying, won?? In her words, her primary strategy was to play as a non-aggressive female which then made her appear weak and undeserving; Russell made all of the cut-throat moves, taking her along with him. She was loyal to her original alliance but it was with the devil and she therefore indirectly supported his malign actions. She did not even try to counteract him. Doesn't it seem like she would be guilty too as his accomplice? And still undeserving?

I'm not sure if any of that made a difference. In the end it was the jury's decision; the jury consisted of the most-recently double-crossed players voted out. Russell still had their blood on his fangs and claws. Natalie, the impotent hero, won by a great majority. And Russell, the very potent and effective deceiver, lost significantly. Clearly, she appeared better to them. And to them, even though she would not have made it to the end without Russell, she should nonetheless be the winner, not him.

It is my theory that this parodies the bible by exquisitely showing how day in, day out, efforts with self-serving motivation win and that most people actually TRYING to win are likely to resort to these moves. Which implies that even heroes are subject to falling. Poignantly, that's already been seen in the hero tribe in the current season. Sometimes the lines blur and heroes become villainous.

At the editing suggestion of a friend, I'll tie the points together better here. Natalie is like the Christian: we are sufferers of our sin (hence no neutralizing attempts to Russell's displacing actions) with the choice of EXPRESSING our sin (I wish I could take credit for that analogy but instead see Matt), yet accepting that our own assessments and strategies are still inadequate and to let the others decide their own fate. That is a very hands off approach that allows other things to happen, and those other things are simply the greater forces netting some action. And that is the Christian belief to not worry because God, the greater force, is in control.

Russell is like the non-believer: operating on what his intelligence deducts. But this intelligence is limited because assessments are based only on Russell's empiricism and what he hears from anyone else - the latter is an interface that cannot be assumed to be accurate, not to mention battling it from becoming fully incorporated with your collected knowledge. And the hero is subject to these qualities, because they exist in a world where being a non-believer/falling is the DEFAULT M.O. But falling is not a terminal status, spiritually. We have the choice to continue in that expression or to not. As demonstrated by Russell, the most successful of the villains, these qualities bear no gain - except in the short-run, but ultimately they lose.

But in the end we all want to be treated fairly; we want to matter and not be treated like we are expendable. On the final day of judgment, the jury rewarded this hero even though it was a paradox that she was even there. In essence, Russell expected his victims to praise him for being the best at playing the game they were all trying to play by rewarding him with the winnings for his cunning/diabolical actions against them. Yet, despite her inactive strategy towards winning, and still operating in the bad world she lived in, they chose her. They did not want bad to win, they wanted good to perpetuate. It's so simple. We are logical beings with illogical motives. Russell's logic is a salient illustration of that - what should occur logically isn't what we all actually want to happen.

Is this not like the bible says it's going to be? The bible says we are going to get what we think we want, like the jury. They employed self-preservation moves that resulted in the opposite, including Russell. But when the reality is revealed to us, it will be anything but what we wanted.

God ASKS us to praise him for his holy grace towards us, and that doesn't make any sense until you are a believer.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A FANTASTIC collage of our campsite this weekend.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lovin' Survivor

Sooo....welcome to my version of wordy nonsense aka blog! Cue: First post!

One of my recent kicks:
I'm not really a reality show person. I'm not really a TV person at all, it's weird. Truth, I've had too much studying going on and no one interesting to watch shows with (poor me), so I (middle of pic) wasn't following any shows. UNTIL! My sister Karen (left) introduced me to the new Survivor season (which is now last season). Those of you who watch it know exactly what I'm talking about: the debut of Russell - evil, conniving, bloody brilliant little troll that he is (and I'm sorry I'm enamored with a mainstream personality - but I can't help it, he is truly a mad-man genius and I find that intriguing - here's me shrugging my shoulders atcha). And now that I live with my other sister Leslie (right) and her awesome family I have fun watching TV again and have since compelled both her and her husband into Survivor viewership.
Anyway - so the appeal of last season. I found it hugely poignant. From my Christian perspective, I observed a parody of biblical principles being displayed in an ironically profound, pure and crystallized research-study-accidental-epiphanous-discovery-akin-to-the-discovery-of-penicillin kind of way. On national TV, being absorbed by millions of people yet unbeknownst to them, were the exact truths that the Bible talks about, specifically evil vs. holy. More on that later. AND THEN - THIS SEASON - what do the Survivor producers do??? A SHOW DEDICATED ENTIRELY TO PITTING THE HEROIC SURVIVORS VS THE VILLAINOUS SURVIVORS?? Are you kidding me? Is this really happening? Bloody brilliant.
Surprisingly though! After watching the shows this season, I fear it's a little like the scientist who in his quest to learn more about his discovery, has only resulted in meddling - i.e., inaccurate results that occur when we create test groups for the purpose of yielding more distilled truths and thus disturb the chemistry inherent to the magic. A little like Heisenberg's principle, no?
So, what the french toast am I talking about.